Computer Repair

Eagle Computer Service, Inc.


Computer Repair
Virus Removal
Cities and Towns
Contact Us

                                                                    Over 20 years Experience Servicing Computers!   

Does your computer have any of the these symptoms:

  Has your hard drive crashed?   Missing file or program messages?
  Computer displays invalid page faults?   Getting illegal operation errors?
  CD or DVD stopped working?   Computer freezes during printing?
  Computer running slower that usual?   Data backup device stopped working?
  Displays a blue screen during boot up?   Odd behavior when windows Is running?
  Having trouble with your Internet connection?   Email has stopped working properly?
  Is your computer making strange noises?   Monitor does not "power on" or is blank?
  Getting general protection faults?   Program not installing properly?

All these problems, and many more, can be fixed. These are all issues that need to be resolved if you want your computer to run properly. 

Also, the most important concern to Eagle Computer is the safety of your data. We recognize that you have years of important information on your computer. It is our business to ensure your business or personal information remains safe during any setup, upgrade or repair of your computer.

We take great care to ensure that your data is safe at all times. Whether you are having your computer's operating system upgraded or adding new hardware, the integrity of your data comes first.

We service computers that use all the Microsoft Windows Operating Systems including:

Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP Home and Professional
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003
Windows NT
Windows ME
Windows 98
Windows 95
Windows 3.1

In most cases, computer problems will be fixed on-site at your business, office or home. If your computer or peripheral needs to be taken to the shop, there is not travel costs or delivery fee. 

Contact Information

 781-710-5642 or 978-621-7700
25 Fox Run Road, Bedford, MA 01730